To use Telegrosik cards, you must have a telephone with tone dialing.

  • Most push-button phones are already set to tone dialing. You will recognize them by the fact that you will hear different tones when you press the buttons. In turn, when dialing with pulse dialing, you can hear a "chatter" sound when dialing.
  • If the telephone does not dial tone, after entering the card number the user will hear the message "nothing entered - please enter the card number". In this situation, check whether the telephone is equipped with the tone dialing function.
  • To permanently set tone dialing on your phone, slide the "Tone - Pulse" (or "T - P") switch to the "Tone" ("T") position. This switch should be located on the handset or camera housing (back, side, bottom).

If after reading this text you have problems setting up tone dialing, please contact Customer Service.